Privacy Policy
*See below for the English version.
2020年7月30日 制定
代表理事 前田 裕輔
個人情報保護管理者 前田 裕輔
個人情報保護管理者:前田 裕輔
① 保有個人データ
個人情報の種別 |
利用目的 |
取引先情報 |
業務管理、各種連絡、請求、支払い管理のため |
従業者情報 |
従業者管理に係わる業務に利用するため(業務・労務・人事管理業務、給与関連業務、福利厚生業務など) |
採用応募者情報 |
採用に係わる業務に利用するため(採用に関する情報提供、採用可否判断、採用業務に関する連絡など) |
退職者情報 |
退職者との連絡、退職者からのお問合せへの対応に利用するため |
お問合せ者情報 |
お問合せに回答するため |
本人および代理人の情報(開示等請求時) |
開示等の求めに回答するため |
移住相談者情報 |
移住相談への業務遂行のため |
② それ以外取得個人情報
個人情報の種別 |
利用目的 |
各種旅行サイトから取得した個人情報 |
宿泊申込者からのゲストハウス予約に対応するため |
受託した業務により取得した個人情報 |
契約及びそれに伴う連絡、受託業務の遂行、アフターケアなどに利用するため |
求人サイトから取得した情報 |
求人者に対する採用の可否を判断・通知するため |
窓口の名称 |
個人情報問合せ窓口 |
連絡先 |
お問い合わせ窓口担当:前田 裕輔 住所 :三重県南牟婁郡御浜町大字上野26 電話 /FAX :05979-9-1654 電子メール :info@kokoterrace.com |
Privacy Policy
In conducting the advertising agency business, accommodation business and rental business, Koko Terrace General Incorporated Association deeply recognizes that your personal information is important information that constitutes privacy. When handling personal information in the course of business, Koko Terrace will respect you and respond to your expectations and trust in our company by establishing laws and regulations concerning personal information as well as internal regulations for the protection of personal information, establishing an organizational structure, and striving for the appropriate protection of personal information.
Acquisition, use and provision of personal information
Our company shall identify the purposes for which personal information is used within the scope of its business activities, and acquire, use and provide personal information fairly and appropriately to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes. We will also take measures to ensure that the personal information we obtain is not used for any other purpose.
Compliance with laws and regulations
Our company shall observe laws and regulations concerning personal information, guidelines established by the national government, other norms and social order, and shall endeavor to properly protect personal information.
Proper management of personal information
Our company is fully aware of the risks of unauthorized access to, loss of, destruction of, alteration of, or leakage of personal information we handle, and will implement reasonable security measures and take appropriate corrective measures in the event of problems.
Responding to Inquiries
Our company will respond appropriately to inquiries such as disclosures, corrections, suspensions, and complaints from individuals regarding personal information we handle.
continuous improvement
Our company has established management rules and systems for the protection of personal information, which are thoroughly implemented by all employees and reviewed periodically to make continuous improvements.
Established on July 30, 2020
Koko Terrace General Incorporated Association
Representative Director: Yūsuke Maeda
< Contact information for personal information protection >
Contact person for personal information
Yūsuke Maeda, Personal Information Protection Manager
TEL: 05979-9-1654
Personal information handled by our company
Our company is committed to the appropriate protection of personal information based on the Personal Information Protection Policy. Our company hereby announces the following personal information acquired or held for the purpose of business use.
(1)Name of business operator handling personal information
Koko Terrace General Incorporated Association
(2)The name, title, affiliation and contact information of the personal information protection manager (or his/her agent)
Personal Information Protection Manager: Yusuke Maeda
Email: info@kokoterrace.com
Phone: 05979-9-1654
(3)Purpose of use of personal information
The purpose of use of personal information handled by our company in its business activities is as follows.
① retained personal data
Type of personal information |
Purpose of Use |
Business Partner Information |
For business management, communications, billing and payment management |
Employee Information |
For use in operations related to employee management (Business, labor, personnel management, salary-related, welfare, etc.) |
Recruitment Applicant Information |
For use in employment (Provision of information on hiring, decision on whether or not to hire, communication on hiring work, etc.) |
Retirement Information |
To communicate with retirees and respond to inquiries from retirees |
Inquirer Information |
In response to your inquiry |
Information of the principal and his/her agent (upon request for disclosure, etc.) |
To respond to requests for disclosure |
Migration Consultant Information |
For the performance of work for migration consultation |
In addition, the purpose of use shall be as clearly indicated in writing.
② Other acquired personal information
Type of personal information |
Purpose of Use |
Personal information obtained from various travel sites |
To accommodate guest house reservations from accommodation applicants |
Personal information acquired through entrusted business |
For use in contracts and related communications, execution of contract work, after-sales care, etc. |
Information obtained from job sites |
In order to determine and notify whether or not a job offerer can be hired |
(4)Contact for inquiries regarding personal information
If you have any complaints, consultations or inquiries about the handling of personal information, including those related to retained personal data, please contact the following contact points.
(5)The name of the authorized personal information protection organization to which the person belongs and the person to whom the complaint is to be resolved
(6)Procedures for Disclosure, etc.
Our company will promptly respond to requests for disclosure of retained personal data (Notification of the Purpose of Use, Disclosure, Correction, Addition or Deletion of Content, Suspension of Use, Erasure and Suspension of Provision to Third Parties). If you wish, we will respond within a reasonable period and scope after confirming that the person who made the request is himself or her representative.
(7)How to receive disclosures, etc., and contact points
To request disclosure of retained personal data, please contact the following reception desk. If you contact us, we will send you the "Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data, etc." prescribed by our company by mail, fax, e-
mail, etc. Please fill out the form and send it with the necessary documents. (The shipping fee will be borne by the requester.)
We will issue a written response after confirming that you are the person (or agent). Please note that we may not be able to comply with requests for disclosure, etc. that are not based on this method.
[Contact Information]
Name of the counter |
Contact person for personal information |
Contact information |
Contact: Yusuke Maeda Address: 26 Ueno, Mihama-cho, Minamimuro-gun, Mie Phone/Fax: 05979-9-1654 Email: info@kokoterrace.com |
一般社団法人 ここテラス
TEL : 05979-9-1654
E-mail: info@kokoterrace.com
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